Code of Conduct
Statement of Values
The Company belongs to Esvin Group founded on cherished principles of high level of integrity, trust, transparency, law abiding and societal value creation. It is stridently committed to uphold the core values of the Group and promote professionalism and high standards of business ethics in the conduct of its business.

The company is committed to excel as a trusted, socially responsible and customer driven organization providing maximum value to all stakeholders.

The company would strive to manufacture quality products at competitive cost through technology and team work.
Financial Reporting
The Company shall prepare financial statements and maintain accounting records fairly and correctly in conformity with applicable accounting and financial reporting standards.
There shall be true and faithful disclosure of information and unrestrained access to records to the auditors and statutory authorities. There shall be no willful omission of recording company transactions or manipulation of company accounts.
Internal Auditor shall have free and unhindered access to all company information with liberty to interact with company officials at all levels.
Professional Environment
The company shall provide professional environment with singular emphasis on merit and performance for the growth of employees. There shall be no discrimination in recruitment or promotion on account of race, caste or religion.
Recruitment preference for unskilled jobs may however be given to the heirs of employees dieing in harness or to residents of the locality in which the company operates and also in compliance of Government policy.
Political non-alignment
The company shall not support, directly or indirectly, any specific political party or group or a candidate for political office.
Environmental Policy
The company shall provide a safe and healthy working environment. It shall diligently adhere to all statutory and regulatory norms in the preservation and promotion of the environment and bestow utmost care in not interfering with the environment of the territory it operates in.
The company is committed to prevent wasteful use of natural resources and minimize any hazardous impact of the development, production, use and disposal of its products and services on the ecological environment.
Society Consciousness
The company shall not only comply with all relevant laws and regulations but also actively assist in the improvement of the quality of life of the people in the locality in which it operates. Its social responsibility endeavour would cover supporting community initiatives on health and family welfare, water management, vocational training and educational literacy.
Information sharing
The company shall provide timely, regular and reliable information on its activities and cooperate with the media in making available required information on its structure, operations and plans excepting those considered confidential.
It shall put on its website and furnish to Stock Exchanges price sensitive information and periodical disclosures. It shall promptly respond to the information requirement of its stakeholders and public.
Business Partners
The company is committed to establishing mutually beneficial relations with its suppliers, customers and business partners and not indulge in any coercive or oppressive business practices.
The company recognizes cane growers as its valued business partners and is committed to treat them in a fair and equitable manner and strive for their continual knowledge and skill upgradation.
The company is committed to enhance shareholder value and comply with all laws and regulations governing shareholders' rights. It shall duly and fairly inform its shareholders of all material developments of its business and disclose requisite information in accordance with SEBI Regulations and Stock Exchange Listing Agreement.
Code of Conduct
All Directors and Senior Management shall act within the bounds of the authority conferred upon them with commitment to make policies and take informed decisions in the best interest of the company and its stakeholders.
With a view to maintain the high standards that company has set, the following Rules/ Code of conduct shall be observed by all directors (which term shall also include senior management where the context so admits) and by all its employees as well, as applicable. All directors and employees shall diligently follow and steadfastly pursue the 'Statement of Value' as basic tenets in their conduct.
Directors shall comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations both in letter and spirit.
Directors shall ensure at all times the integrity of data or information furnished to the company.
Directors shall protect the company's assets, labour and information and not use them for personal benefit unless approved as part of remuneration package.
Directors shall conduct themselves and their activities both in and outside the company in such a manner as not to adversely affect the image or the reputation of the company.
Directors shall in private life be free to pursue active role in civic and political affairs subject however that it does not adversely affect the business interests of the company or the group.
All directors shall conduct their activities with honesty, integrity and fairness and display high moral and ethical standards, which shall be fair and transparent and be perceived to be as such by third parties.
Any information concerning the company's business and not in the public domain to which the director is privy or has access must be considered confidential and shall not be disclosed unless authorized to do so or when required by law.
Directors shall not engage in any business, relationship or activity detrimental to or in conflict with the interest of the company or the group.
Related party transactions shall be truly and faithfully disclosed to the CFO, Audit Committee and the Board.
No director shall receive or offer, directly or indirectly, any gift, donation, remuneration, hospitality, illegal payment or comparable benefit which are intended or perceived to be intended to obtain business or uncompetitive favours for the conduct of business.
Normal gifts on customary occasion or of commemorative nature may however be given or received.
Directors shall bring to the attention of the Board, Chairman, or the Managing Director as appropriate any information or development either within the company (relating to its employees or other stakeholders) or external that could impact the company's operations and which in the normal course may not have come to the knowledge or notice of the company.
Compliance with these principles is considered an essential element in company's business success. The Board and Audit Committee are responsible for ensuring that these principles are communicated to, understood and observed by all employees as appropriate.
Day-to-day responsibility is delegated to the senior management which is responsible for implementing these principles, if necessary through more detailed operating guidelines. Assurance of compliance is given and monitored each year. Compliance with the code is subject to review by the Board supported by the Audit Committee.
The company appoints the Company Secretary as compliance officer for the purpose of Code. Employees are expected to bring to his attention any breach or suspected breach of these principles. Such reporting will be held in strict confidence and no employee will suffer as a consequence of doing so.